A New Day for Data? What I’m Hoping to See at Tableau Conference 2023

Ann Jackson
6 min readMay 3, 2023
keynote audience

There’s less than a week left before the 2023 Tableau Conference in Las Vegas. With such a tight timeline, I wanted to take a detour from my continued story series about what it takes to be a data professional to share what I’m hoping to see at the conference.

A little context: I’m a Tableau Visionary Hall of Fame member — this means that I’ve been recognized by the company annually for more than 5 years due to my commitment to growing the data community, expertise in the tool, and (based on my own beliefs) my unbridled enthusiasm toward data visualization and analytics in general. It also means that I keep a tight pulse on features and offerings from the organization. And of course, each year they hold a conference is a time for them to show off on the big stage what their strategy and new features are.

So without further ado, I’ d like to talk through some of the strategy and roadmap I’m hoping to see as well as new features.

First let’s talk strategy. I am a big advocate for Tableau because it is the most data agnostic business intelligence and data visualization software playing in the enterprise space. Its direct competitors (namely Microsoft Power BI) tend to play much more nicely in a data platform/ecosystem that’s stacked with the same brand of tools from the bottom…



Ann Jackson

Data Communicator | Visualization & Analytics Professional | Entrepreneur | Tableau Visionary HOF